Saturday 26 January 2013

Jamaa Hat Shops

I'm guessing many jammers (actually all haha...) know about the hat shops around Jamaa. But they are tricky to find. Here are the three hat shops around Jamaa.:

The one above is in Canyon Pathways. If u dont know where that is here's a way to it. From Coral Canyons, go to the waterfall which is in front of Epic Wonders and then if u go to the right from there, there will be a bridge. Once u move ahead, u're in Canyon Pathways. Its rlly easy =D

This one is in Sarepia Forest. And plz dont say u dont know where that is. 

Now the last one is in Mt Shiveer. U should know where that is too, rite?
Here's an update from the Hat Shop. Today's rare hat is in Mt Shiveer and it is a rare Top Hat!! Here's a pic:

Different Hat Shops sell different hats. Like for example take Mt Shiveer Hat Shop and Canyon Pathways Hat Shop. In Mt Shiveer, they sell freedom chicken hat, police hat, freedom monkey hat and freedom lion hat, while in Canyon Pathways they sell Top Hats (ex-betas), freedom panda hat, eyeball hat (from halloween) and fancy top hat. I find it pretty cool =D. Who knows maybe fox hats are coming out again!!